
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Meet MNFirefly: The Graduate School Student

Yes, you have read that right. In a few short weeks, I will be starting my adventure of starting graduate school. I was accepted into the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the middle of July and will be working towards my Master of Arts in Psychology with an emphasis in Sports and Exercise Psychology.

I was bitter in December when things with the LSAT didn't go so well, but I ended up stepping aside and doing some soul searching of what I wanted to do next. I knew that I wanted to go forward with my education and take it to the next level.

In fact, it was Josh that helped me with the soul searching. He kept on commenting on that I only read magazines that had to do with health, exercise or running. With that little bit of hint and inspiration, I decided to look into getting sport psychology. I did a little research on programs, job field, etc and then started the application process in June when the Fall program opened up.

I expect to finish my program by the end of 2012. It's going to be a fun adventure.


Wes said...

AWESOME!! Good luck!

Neese said...

so very proud of you! this is SO you and sounds like the absolute right path, enjoy the journey!

Anne said...

Congrats on getting in! Sports psychology sounds super interesting. I've always been fascinated by the psychological aspect in sports.

Dori said...

Congratulations! That's HUGE.