
Thursday, June 10, 2010

4 miler...DONE!

Well, it's late so I am going to keep this short. I had a very exciting night with the adopted hometown of Chicago celebrating the winning of the Stanley Cup. I stayed up pretty late to watch the post-game stuff. Then I woke up late this morning and hammered out 4 miles in the more shady path near the Salt Creek Trail. I did better than yesterday, but the pollen instead of the heat got the best of me during part of the run. Thankfully, I have a cross-training day before attempting 7 miles on Saturday morning, which looks to be a very humid, hot run.

Mile 1 9:29
Mile 2 9:43
Mile 3 9:33
Mile 4 9:18

Avg pace - 9:31/mi

1 comment:

Jess said...

Nice job on the 4 miler!