
Saturday, May 15, 2010

7 miles for my dad

It has been 5 years since my dad has passed from cancer. My dad's death was the one reason that I started running. I used my run today to honor his memory. The weather was perfect, but I know that I need to tweak my diet still to get it right so I have consistant energy during my long runs.

Here's my splits:

Mile 1 9:31
Mile 2 9:31
Mile 3 9:27
Mile 4 9:39
Mile 5 9:20
Mile 6 9:23
Mile 7 9:24

Total time: 1:06:15
Avg Pace: 9:28/mi


Wes said...

I like this :-) You should consider some gels or sports beans on those long runs, eh?

Jess said...

A great way to memorialize him!