
Saturday, January 01, 2011

My 2011 Resolutions

In 2010, I dealt with a mixed bag of some good and some bad. I am hoping for a better year in 2011. Right now, I am stuck in a sticky point in my running because my left knee still has issues that started on Christmas Eve. I have a trifecta diagnosis that I am dealing with: Runner's knee, Patello-tendonitis, and Arthrofibrosis (aka more scar tissue in my knee). I am on orders to rest up, ice, and keep up with anti-inflammatories until the symptoms subside before trying to run again. If they keep coming back, then back to the Orthopedic Surgeon to try something else.

I finished my first semester of grad school and finishing up my holiday break. I have made the decision to pursue my Ph.D degree in Exercise and Sport Psychology especially if I want to do something productive with my degree.

Anyway, in the meantime, I have come up with a list of resolutions for 2011.

  1. Listen to my body and allow all previous injuries heal.
  2. Get no new running injuries!
  3. Complete at least one HM this year before the end of the year.
  4. Run stronger mentally and physically.
  5. Religiously stretch daily.
  1. Start looking at Grad Schools and even visiting these schools especially if it involves moving to another state.
  2. Apply myself better this time with GRE.
  3. Use my spreadsheet to set up schools that I was apply to.
  4. Submit my grad school applications before 12/15/2011.
  5. Find a new job and end the time that I have been on unemployment.
  6. Continue to work hard on my Master's and continue my awesome 4.0 GPA.
  1. Continue to be a good and patient mother.
  2. Be a good supportive wife and best friend to my husband.
  3. Continue to improve my own diet
  4. Cook and bake more at home instead of going out so I can control what going into my body.
  5. Develop a stronger back and core muscles.
  6. Be a little bit leaner so I can be a little more faster.
  7. Reduce the number of sweets I a week.
  8. Complete of my knitting projects that I start.
What are your 2011 New Year's Resolutions?


Jess said...

Those are all greta goals! Good luck with them!

chia said...

I officially have GPA envy :-).

Great goals! Yesterday I threw a sign up on the fridge... "Knit, Cook, Run!" Fun stuff!

Full Metal Lunchbox said...

Looks good, sweetheart. Make this your year.

Wes said...

+1 for me! I hope your body cooperates and follows the lead of your heart :-)