
Friday, March 30, 2007

Sad face..

One sad and tired Firefly in an apartment by myself for a whole weekend (until sometime on Sunday afternoon/evening). Check out some of the details of his weekend in Champaign on his blog on Monday. But I am in the great company of Sadie the pug. I spent time today after getting great sushi to celebrate my 1st week at my new job. Then I spent 90 minute walking around (part of it under an alcohol-induced buzz from the plum wine I drank during dinner), getting lost at one part looking for a grocery store, getting frustated in the process while sending a SOS signal to Josh via cell phone, and then finally getting there. **sigh** Then I carried FIVE plastic grocery bag of supplies on the Red Line and walked home. It all sunk in when I walked in the door to an semi-empty apartment. It hit me HARD. I was too tired to get any homework done and plan to crash here shortly since I have been up since 4:30 am.


Wes said...

You've got a lot of adjusting to do. Take a deep breath. Take it slow. Everything will work out fine.

Shea said...
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Full Metal Lunchbox said...

Hang in there, babe. I'll be home soon.

Neese said...

baby steps! do small things that are positive for you both but also take the time to just soak it in and do whatever you want this weekend! it's girl time! :)

L*I*S*A said...

Get some rest...your man will be home before you know it. :)

Danielle said...

Hey, take time and enjoy the alone's sometimes nice to have that. Josh will be back soon and in a few weeks you'll be wishing he was on a trip again!! (No offense Josh, and I don't know about Denise, but I know I like to have some good alone time once in a while!!)