
Saturday, March 24, 2007

End of the first week in Chicago

Well, I have made through my first week in Chicago. Tommorow will hopefully - depending on the weather - will be the Shamrock Shuffle. Come Monday night morning will be my first day of my new job - start at 6:30, which means getting my butt out of bed at 5 am. (OUCH!)
The end of this week was at the most part quiet and full of errand running getting ready for my first day on Monday. I got my new uniform today after stopping in with the paperwork yesterday. I still have a stack of benefit paperwork to work through. **sigh**
On Thursday night, I took Josh to the Melting Pot for a celebratory dinner since it was his last day at Chase. It was one place that I highly recommend...especially the chocolate fondue part. Yummmm!
On Friday, after getting up at a decent hour (before 10:30 am - part of being LAZY this week), I met up with the people in H.R. to fill out paperwork and get my pretty ID picture taken, which required me to really work on my hair so it looks decent. Afterwards, I took a train to turn in my paperwork for my uniform, get sized for my shirts (where I finally get FEMALE uniform shirts where I will not look like I gained 10 lbs instantly upon wearing them), and then headed back home on the train to meet Josh.
Then we headed to the Shamrock Shuffle expo with Josh's former co-worker, Jay, and his friend, Shea. The boys picked up their race packets, while I looked around the awesome goodies. After the boys had their fill, Josh, Jay and I headed to the farewell celebration at Jak's Taven. It was a very fun evening of lots of beer drinking (without repeating my last drinking incident), eating and gossiping. I met all of Josh's now-former co-workers where they were doing shots while I stuck with the beer (Thanks, but no thanks!) I was the sober of the two last night when we headed home. (See Josh's blog for the pics from Thursday AND Friday soon as he works on it...eventally!)
After Josh headed to bed, I was still a little wired. I saw on the news that the MN Gophers team was making national news about their NEW COACH. We were all cheering and celebrating in MN while another team was...ah...well...I don't know what was going on. All I know that, after getting some decent players (who actually PLAY), we have a shot at a winning season next year. (Please no comments from the peanut galley!)
As for today, it was a very relaxing day. I picked my uniform shirts, laid around the house for one more day (**sniff sniff**), spend some personal time with Josh, and got our place cleaned for the party tommorow. If it was not so gray for most of the day, it would be a perfect day - very comfortable.
Good luck to those racing tommorow at the Shamrock Shuffle. I will see you on the sidelines.


Neese said...

that photo of you guys is a keeper! you should frame it for sure, it is SO obvious how happy you both are to finally be together!

L*I*S*A said...

Awww, you two are so sweet together. You make a very good-looking couple.

Have fun at the Shuffle, and good luck on your first day at your new job, too. :)

Anonymous said...

good luck at the new job.

Danielle said...

I sometimes think wearing a uniform at work would be an OK thing. Not having to think of what you are going to put on to go to work...:) But then I like wearing fun things sometimes so probably would not like it!!

Good luck on the first day at the new job!