
Friday, October 20, 2006

Pre-race Prepping

While everyone's prepping for Chicago or Nike San Francisco Marathons, I am prepping for tommorow's race - Run For The Apples 5 miler. The weather's getting a little better as the day has progressed. It will be cloudy during the race, but NO snow or rain predicted. I REALLY hope that the weather guy is right or I will have few select words for them. I am running with a few co-horts from the St. Paul campus. I plan to meet them at 7:45 a.m in front of one of the residence halls. The best part of the race is APPLE the end of the race. Yum!! Today was a good day for me. I got up early enough to drive over to get my hair done again. It was SO I look good now. I wish being a redhead is not SO high in maintanence time. **sigh** Rest up Chicago marathoners and get some good sleep tonight. Saturday will be a night when your mind will be busy. Wish me luck tommorow! Sunday will be 12 miler for cold. Brrrrr!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun event, and i wish you well, and hope the weather is nice to the racers! -- what? no hairdo photo? :)