
Monday, October 23, 2006


Yes. It's only 2 days and I am sick and tired of them. It's frustrating. I am not driving because of the sprain. (Plus it's not a good idea since I had to drive home from the urgent care and it HURT!) I can not get in and out of my apartment without planning my route so the little furry excapee does not get out of the front door. (She came close today when I got back home and I was NOT happy!) My arm pits and hands are getting sore from using the crutches. I am getting a lot of exercise from just using them. I did get some e-mail help from Kristi to help with getting a strength exercises together once the ankle is COMPLETELY healed. But I did work on the good ankle tonight to help keep in shape and become too battered from hopping on it, pushing off from it with the crutches, and putting a ton of weight on it. Poor left leg!! But I had a little bit of fun being very lazy today and do NOTHING, but keep the right leg elevated like a good Firefly. Tommorow's another rest day...sigh....but I go back to work. That will be VERY fun to get around after my husband drops me off! (NOT!) I also have a job interview with a police department. It is going to have explain this injury to them. **sigh** I hope everything goes well for me. Keep your fingers crossed.


Mmem said...

Ugh, you sprained your ankle?!?!?!? Ugh! I remember the arms hurting more than the ankle after about an HOUR of owning cruchches:-(

Rest up, heal up. I think if you tell them @ the interview you're training for a marathon, they will be pretty understanding and awed!!!

Feel better!

Full Metal Lunchbox said...

Hang in there and enjoy your lazy time.

You'll be up and running around before you know it.

Wes said...

Everything will go well for you. If not this time, then the next, or the next. Good things happen to good people. Keep fightin.

Anonymous said...

How tough! Any access to a pool for water training? I wish you the best