
Monday, August 28, 2006

Compression Heaven

I LOVE my new ankle compression wrap!! I am in heaven!! The ice is helping a little when it's numb. The advil is somewhat helping, but this has helped a lot. I can put weight on my foot and ankle, but walking on it is a little tender. It was getting a little better until a certain little furry child of me caused me to step on it wrong AGAIN! She's in the CAT-house right now and knows it. (Even tho' she's trying to SUCK up to me!) I did stretch today for 20 minutes. I hope it helps. I will have the foot/ankle checked out tommorow if it's still tender. I really want to try my running tomorrow! I am SO excited, but as I said yesterday, the eliptical machine will be used if necessary. PLEASE LOTS of good vibes!! Posted by Picasa


L*I*S*A said...

Take care of yourself and hope you can do a bit of running soon.

Neese said...

denise!!! i'm so sorry, i missed your post yesterday, i had no idea. i hope your ankle is feeling better soon.

glad the compression wrap is helping, hopefully this is only transitory!
